More Bikes for Yoxi.tv

CW&T and John Dimatos formed team schoolhousehello the summer of 2010 to compete in a pilot version of Yoxi.tv.
The brief was to pitch a solution to encourage more people to ride bikes in the city.
Here are a few ideas we came up with.
Real World Bike Katamari is a game that you play with your iPhone while riding a bike. Hit start and begin to grow into an expanding clump of objects. The more places you bike, the more you collect and the bigger you grow. Eventually you become so big that you turn into a star that explodes and reshuffles the universe and then you start again small.
This is our maximum cheese factor Bike Pool spot. Bike Pool is about riding bikes in groups around the city. Not only is it a safe way to commute to work, it is also a great way to meet new people….especially new lovers :) If you’re ready to meet the ride of your life, try Bike Pool. Super special thanks to Sandra, Alexis, and Sony!
Bike Pool signs posted around NYC are places for bikers to meet up and ride together. Riding as a small crew makes cyclists more visible to cars and it is a great way to socialize. Whether you are in it for an intense ride to get the blood flowing before a day at the office or as a way to chill out and meet new people after work, the Bike Pool is for everyone. Jump in! Super special thanks to EVERYONE that helped out with this shoot!